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Il nostro viaggio con SAP: un mese dopo
Metallurgica Valchiese, lunedì 3 Gennaio 2021: riapertura dopo le NON vacanze natalizie, vedo facce provate dall’inventario appena...
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Metallurgica Valchiese and the company GERESA with their focus on high quality get parts closed a deal! We are glad to announce that...
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Samoter Innovation Award 2020
Ieri sera, 23 gennaio, sono stati resi pubblici i riconoscimenti Samoter Innovation Award 2020 dedicati a tredici diverse categorie...
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The world’s most congested cities ranked
The latest TomTom Traffic Index shows some major changes in the ranking for the world’s most traffic congested cities during 2019. This...
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8% of world’s population live in ‘mega cities’
The world’s biggest cities are growing at an unprecedented rate, with 11 of the planet’s 30 biggest cities each adding more than ten...
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Innovative earthmovers coming to market
A wide range of innovative earthmover solutions is now coming to market - Mike Woof writes Generally with major construction equipment...
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Advanced earthmovers now available
The excavator and wheeled loader segments represent massive sales volumes for manufacturers, so new model development is prioritised -...
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Excavators and bulldozers: world market for 1 million machines in 2020
Sales of earth moving machinery in Italy grew by 16% in 2017. Recovery over the next three years will be driven by the replacement of...
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Automazione. Ma gli operatori la vogliono?
Ultimamente la parola “automazione” è entrata prepotentemente anche in cantiere. Ma di fatto i vantaggi che essa può dare sono una realtà...
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Earthmoving machine advances
One of the most competitive segments of the off-highway equipment sector, it is no surprise that earthmoving machinery is seeing a wide...
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Il futuro non è più quello di una volta
Questo il leit motiv dell’incontro (Rental Business Forum) che RentalBlog ha organizzato al Samsung District di Milano. Evento che,...
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Innovations in power systems for industry
Innovations in power systems for industry Major innovations in power systems and drivelines are offering increased efficiency and reduced...
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Quando un'attività economica è ecosostenibile?
Il Consiglio Europeo vuole introdurre un sistema unificato di classificazione nell'Unione Europea. L'UE sta adottando misure per attuare...
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New earthmoving machines
An array of advanced earthmoving machines are coming to market, offering increased performance, lower fuel consumption and reduced...
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The future of earthmoving equipment
Earthmoving equipment is a staple of the construction industry, with a whole host of different machinery being used on earthmoving...
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